Talk with our Team
Parish Highlight: St. Mary Magdalen + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Aug 26, 2024

Take a listen to hear about the successful progress made at St. Mary Magdalen in Altamonte Springs, Florida. Under the leadership of Fr. Edwin Cardona, the parish has seen extraordinary growth in their small groups program, now boasting over 110 groups with 680 participants.

This initiative is...

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Parish Highlight: St. John Vianney + St. Mary's + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Jun 17, 2024

Check out the remarkable strides being made by St. John Vianney and St. Mary's in Walnut Creek, California, under the leadership of Fr. William Rosario. Since beginning their coaching journey with Rebuilt in the winter of 2021, these clustered parishes have been making significant progress...

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Parish Highlight: St. Teresa of Calcutta + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights May 06, 2024

Discover the recent successes of St. Teresa's of Calcutta in Manchester, Connecticut, under the visionary leadership of Fr. Marcin Pluciennik. Recently merging four separate parishes, Fr. Marcin has led the parishioners to become a unified and vibrant community.

Through innovative approaches,...

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Partner Parish Update: Holy Spirit in Grand Rapids + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Mar 11, 2024

Join us for this insight update into Holy Spirit Parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as they navigate the beginning of their Rebuilt Coaching journey!

In just six months, they've already made significant strides, prioritizing a Spirit-led strategic plan under the guidance of Father Mark Peacock and...

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Partner Parish Update: St Stephen Protomartyr + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Feb 13, 2024

Hear about one of our newer Partner Parishes: St. Steven Protomartyr Parish in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr. Aaron Nord is leading the parish and has come to Rebuilt for coaching to find structure, strength, and growth through a parish merger bringing three parishes into one.

They have...

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Parish Highlight: St. Alexander in Ontario + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Sep 20, 2023

Thank you for taking a minute to join us for a Partner Parish Highlight!  I want to share with you the impact Rebuilt coaching is having on Fr. Paul MacNeil and the community of St. Alexander's Parish in Fonthill, Ontario, Canada.

We've been coaching Fr. Paul and his team over the last...

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Parish Highlight - Holy Spirit Parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Jun 09, 2023

Thank you for taking a minute for this Rebuilt Right now update. Today we want to highlight our new partner parish – Holy Spirit parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

The parish is led by Father Mark Peacock. Father Mark recognizes the importance of building a great staff by encouraging...

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Let’s head to the suburbs of KC + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights May 01, 2023

Something that is valuable to us on the Rebuilt team is celebrating successes.

Today we want to celebrate the success that is springing up in the parish community of St. George and St. Jude led by Fr. Bryan Amthor! 

Father Bryan and his team have established a joint leadership committee to...

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Parishes are Growing in East Stroudsburg + rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Apr 03, 2023

Hey there! I'm excited to share some amazing updates with you regarding St. John the Apostle Parish in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, led by Father Greg and his associate Analia.

Since their inception, this parish has experienced a significant increase in weekend attendance, growing from 550 to...

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