Rebuilt Parish Blog

Regularly updated messages from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran!

Get Involved with Rebuilt Parish!


Here at Rebuilt Parish, we are always searching for individuals to serve with our organization... and there are many different ways to support our mission and vision! Take a look at Tom's message...

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Rebuilt Podcast is Back with New Topics & New Voices!


Exciting news! Our Rebuilt Parish podcast has just relaunched, led by the dynamic Melissa Wilkinson and featuring insights from Rebuilt staff, our coached Partner Parishes, and esteemed Catholic...

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Relaunched: Weekend Observations!


You have often heard us talk about our Strategic Anchors that provide the framework for coaching with our Partner Parishes.  One of these four anchors is the Weekend Experience ...

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Transformative Impact for Partner Parishes


At Rebuilt, our mission is clear: we aim to make disciples by empowering parishes to make disciples. Our focus is on transformation, helping churches become more effective at reaching the lost and...

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Projects Coming in 2024!


We've got a little sneak peek of projects coming to you from Rebuilt Parish this year!

Thank you for your support that provides us the opportunity to bring these resources to our Partner Parishes,...

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Dream Big in 2024!


As we wrap up 2023, Tom Corcoran shares a message inspired by Peter's words in Acts of the Apostles during Pentecost. In the last days, God promises to pour out His spirit upon all people,...

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Rebuilt Faith: A game changer for Catholic parishes


We are excited to share the update on Rebuilt Faith! Fr. Michael and I recently unveiled our latest book, and in the first few weeks since it's publication, it has been building great momentum!


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Papal Honors Awarded!


The Rebuilt Team is beyond honored to share the news that Archbishop Lori, on behalf of Pope Francis, has awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice to both our pastor Fr. Michael White and our...

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Vision, Mission, Strategy


Thank you for taking a minute for this Rebuilt Right now update. 

At Rebuilt we have an Ezekiel 37 vision. In Ezekiel 37, God leads the prophet out to the valley of dry dead bones. God asks...

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General Update – Rebuilt Live


Our vision at Rebuilt is to help parishes become churches that people who don't like churches like. 

This week we are getting excited for our Rebuilt Live event that will take place on Monday,...

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