Parish Highlight - Holy Spirit Parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan


Thank you for taking a minute for this Rebuilt Right now update. Today we want to highlight our new partner parish – Holy Spirit parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

The parish is led by Father Mark Peacock. Father Mark recognizes the importance of building a great staff by encouraging their personal development. He meets one on one with each staff member each and every week. Father Mark has built up a team with Kate Muir, who serves as the office administrator and Mackenzie Coble, who serves as the Director of Communication. 

As a team they have made it a priority to make Holy Spirit parish a welcoming and engaging faith community to draw people into a deeper relationship with Christ. He also has a heart to equip members to be active participants in their faith journey. 

We look forward to working with Holy Spirit parish and seeing the good things God will do as they implement the Rebuild model in their parish. 

Thank you for taking a moment for this Rebuilt right now update. If I can be praying for you in any way please e-mail me at Tom 

Please join me in praying for Father Mark, Kate and Mackenzie and the whole community of Holy Spirit parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan 


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