Rebuilt Parish Blog

Regularly updated messages from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran!

Let’s Celebrate our 2022 wins


As we wrap up 2022 I wanted to take a moment to list some of the Major wins we have experienced this year.

One of our biggest reasons to celebrate arrived when we received our determination letter...

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Merry Christmas from Rebuilt Parish!

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2022
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‘Tis the season

+ rebuilt right now Dec 18, 2022

It’s officially the week of Christmas!

That also means it’s one of the greatest opportunities for parishes to share the hope of Christ with new visitors.

As we approach Christmas Eve,...

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Taking greeting to the next level


We have an incredible group of people who serve on the Rebuilt team at a variety of levels, and today I want to highlight someone who has been making a difference.

Reg Franki stepped up early at...

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Something’s Building In Cali


This week I have to share good news happening in one of our partner parishes.

After joining us in coaching for the past year, Fr. William Rosario of St. John Vianney in Walnut Creek, CA, is...

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Advent as a Season of Hope

I received a surprise phone call from my friend Rick Warren (yes, the Pastor Rick Warren) over the Thanksgiving holiday. Once I got over my shock that Pastor Rick would take time to speak to me, we...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Something to help you this Advent season


At Rebuilt, we support parishes in three primary ways.

  1. Content
  2. Connection 
  3. Coaching 

Today I wanted to share something in the content portion of this list and let you know about a...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Thank YOU.

+ rebuilt right now Nov 17, 2022

This Thanksgiving, I am reminded of Paul’s words in Philippians.

“I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because...

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Rebuilt Right Now: We have some exciting news! (and it involves the IRS?)


The IRS and good news? Sounds like an oxymoron, right?

Today these two are the perfect pair!

I’m excited to announce We have received our letter from the IRS recognizing us as a public...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Help people in the pews grow by…


At Rebuilt, we promote four strategic anchors that we believe are absolutely essential for rebuilding a parish. One of those anchors is shaping a clear discipleship path that helps the people in...

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