Rebuilt Parish Blog

Regularly updated messages from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran!

Dream Big in 2024!


As we wrap up 2023, Tom Corcoran shares a message inspired by Peter's words in Acts of the Apostles during Pentecost. In the last days, God promises to pour out His spirit upon all people,...

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Merry Christmas from Tom & Rebuilt!

+ rebuilt right now Dec 21, 2023

As we near the celebration of Christmas, I would like to share words from the Gospel of Luke about the night of Jesus's birth.  Please watch this Rebuilt Right Now to hear this special...

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Tis the Season

For most parishes, the holiday season is a busy one filled with lots of fun and faith filled events and traditions. It is definitely a beloved and beautiful time of year. But it is also a season of...

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Rebuilt Faith: A game changer for Catholic parishes


We are excited to share the update on Rebuilt Faith! Fr. Michael and I recently unveiled our latest book, and in the first few weeks since it's publication, it has been building great momentum!


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A Simple Plan for Your Fall Stewardship Program

As we approach Thanksgiving many parishes undertake their annual stewardship campaign, to invite giving to the parish in the coming year. It’s a good time of year to do it, ahead of the...

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Minister Highlight: Joe Hoffman


We would like to share with you the good work of one of our dedicated Rebuilt ministers - Joe Hoffman!

Joe is known for his exceptional people skills, making him a welcome addition to our Rebuilt...

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Papal Honors Awarded!


The Rebuilt Team is beyond honored to share the news that Archbishop Lori, on behalf of Pope Francis, has awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice to both our pastor Fr. Michael White and our...

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It’s Not Too Early (to Start Thinking About Christmas).

Recently we had a fun weekend here at Nativity as we announced our return to the Maryland State Fair for Christmas Eve, for the first time since 2019. If you don’t know the back story on...

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Parish Highlight: St. Alexander in Ontario


Thank you for taking a minute to join us for a Partner Parish Highlight!  I want to share with you the impact Rebuilt coaching is having on Fr. Paul MacNeil and the community of St....

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The Opportunities Fall Brings

Next to Christmas itself, Fall is absolutely my favorite season of the year. The days get cooler, the nights get longer (which I love) and here in Maryland the foliage delights with its annual...

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