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Rebuilt Chapter Resources

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Rebuilt Resources: Chapter 8 Make the Message Matter

“Teach, delight, move.”.


One of the greatest preachers in the history of Christianity, St. Augustine was the first to deliberately apply the principles of Ciceronian rhetoric (teach, delight, move) to Christian preaching. For Augustine, preaching is fundamental to the work of the Church, engaging and teaching people with the Word of God in order to change them. And that’s what we see from the very beginning as the apostles followed the example given to them by Jesus: They engaged and taught people in order to change them to become more like Christ. That’s it. The Word of God has the power to change people.

See Michael and Tom talk about message preparation and series preparation:

Message Preparation

You Can Do This: Crafting a Message Series

If you’re a pastor, sit down and map out a message series for next Advent or Lent that establishes consistent themes, clear challenges, and attractive outcomes.

  • If you share your pulpit with an associate or regular assistant sit down together and plan for the series.
  • If you’re a Pastoral Life Director, invite your celebrants to plan the series and facilitate the discussion.
  • Look for free resources (like message outlines and promotional art) on other churches’ websites. Try
  • Promote your series as a series and get people excited about it. Make it feel like an adventure you’re all taking together.

For additional inspiration, you can watch recordings of Nativity’s messages series that follow the liturgical calendar in the Rebuilt Parish Basic Membership Plan.

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