Vision, Mission, Strategy


Thank you for taking a minute for this Rebuilt Right now update. 

At Rebuilt we have an Ezekiel 37 vision. In Ezekiel 37, God leads the prophet out to the valley of dry dead bones. God asks Ezekiel a question. He says, “Ezekiel, can these bones live?” And Ezekiel answers with a very wise answer. He says, “I don’t know God, you are God and I am not, you tell me.”

So God says, “Prophesy to these bones Ezekiel. Speak God’s word to these bones. And Ezekiel begins prophesying and speaking God’s word as he is commanded. And the bones begin to rattle. They start coming together. Then sinews come upon them and flesh comes upon them, but there is no spirit to them. So he keeps on speaking and finally they come alive. And Ezekiel says he sees there a vast multitude; a vast army. 

Our vision at Rebuilt is to create a vast army, a multitude of switched on disciples in hundreds of parishes. Our vision is that through Rebuilt, we will help parishes become environments that attract people who have become dry and dead, and bring them back to life again. That, as a result of Rebuilt, there will be a vast army of people building his kingdom through love and service to Christ our king. 

Thank you for taking a moment for this Rebuilt right now update. If I can be praying for you in any way please email me at [email protected] 

Please join me in praying for our vision of a vast army of Christ followers. 


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