Rebuilt Right Now: Something to help you this Advent season


At Rebuilt, we support parishes in three primary ways.

  1. Content
  2. Connection 
  3. Coaching 

Today I wanted to share something in the content portion of this list and let you know about a product I think will truly help you lighten your load this Advent season.

We are now selling our Let There Be Light message series, which will also include a Christmas message. As someone who works in message development and content, I know how challenging it can be to come up with something to say for Advent and Christmas. 

We hope this new product will open the door to parishes to see how Rebuilt can help them with their Christmas message and in rebuilding their whole parish.


Thank you for taking a moment for this Rebuilt Right Now update.

If I can pray for you in any way, please e-mail me at [email protected].

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