What to Expect at the Rebuilt Summit

The Rebuilt Summit will be informative, instructional and inspirational. Whether this is the first time you've heard of Rebuilt, or you're already in the process of rebuilding and renewing your parish, we're here to walk alongside you every step of the way. Our summit will lead you through the four key anchors to rebuilding and reengaging with the unchurched in your parish community:

Leadership, Growing Deeper, Growing Wider, and Creating an Exceptional Weekend Experience


Rebuilt has the experience and resources to take wherever your parish is currently, to a parish that is thriving and changing lives every day.


  • The Rebuilt Summit is a virtual conference filled with relevant and realtime content, followed by in-depth discussion and group coaching to facilitate conversations among you and your leadership team.
  • What makes our content "realtime"? Because Rebuilt is rooted in the experience of operating a local parish via our home church, Church of the Nativity in Timonium, MD. (To learn more about Nativity visit their website at churchnativity.com.)
  • The day will begin at 11am, with sessions and breaks built in, and will conclude at 1:30p.
  • Each session will have a rhythm of gathering, thought provoking presentation, small group conversation and then regathering to discuss lessons learned and practical action steps.
  • All participants will receive a digital work booklet they can download to remind them of ideas gathered and plans for next steps.

Wednesdays with Rebuilt: Weekly Webinar Series

Rebuilt hosts a weekly webinar series every Wednesday at 1pm EST. Recently we had the honor of interviewing Fr. David Frederici from St. Mary's Parish in Dartmouth, MA. Hear more about Fr. David's experience with Rebuilt Parish Coaching.

The Rebuilt Summit Team

reset. restore. rebuild.

Register Your Team Today!

The Rebuilt Team looks forward to meeting you virtually on June 9. Your road to rebuilding starts right now.